
Anton Gasser

High fever in the Alm
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicol D´Incecco
Then I go out - the cabin is at the very bottom of the Mirnitz ground level - and then goes up one and a half hours. Once over the edge, and then it goes on first. Yes, and then even the sun. The shirt over his head stuck in the back of the shorts. In a forty-five minutes we were already high on the edge. As fast. A good time. Then check the cattle, salt lick is there and so on, sometimes stay here. And so at half past twelve before you come down on Mirnitz ground. In front a large wall, and as we had built a cairn. Since we have moved. The mother down outside with a cloth. Then she brought dumplings or something, and we are grad above. Afterwards we had to play cards with the boys, who were down. And eat afterwards. And if it was nice to rafting up in the Schober paints there. Such a thing is to youth, have been nice. Already working. Because his father already has. I can say the sentence, they wrote it meant not so serious. Because he has often said, "Yes tackles only can lie in eternity." But not with seriousness. If the boys have come to my school friends, played a bit they might have liked. And he has told a grad work. He says: 'Yes, go forth and help do just once. "But then we were soon gone. After about ten minutes. The need to get rid of even with the children, then it is already.